method training


As a Personal Trainer, I take a holistic approach to training the body.  I believe that movement patterns must be pain free….and it is my goal to change the way you move for the better.

Together we will work on:

  • ·         Fixing Pre-Existing Conditions or Nagging Injuries
  • ·         Building Strength
  • ·         Increasing Body Awareness
  • ·         Performance Enhancement
  • ·         Prevention of Injury
  • ·         Changes to Body Composition (weight loss & muscle gain)
  • ·         Reaching your Personal Fitness Goals


Each of my clients begins with a total body screening.  I utilize the FMS System because…

I utilize the FMS System because each of us is different and has different goals in mind.  Whether your focus is lifting a box in the garage or you're an athlete wanting a competitive advantage, screening allows me to personalize your workout.  As a result, you will learn that your workouts can be more efficient and you can get more out of doing less.

We will break-down the movements to identify any “weak link” and fix any pre-existing conditions.  Once your movement patterns are acceptable, strength and conditioning will be added. 

It is my goal to “erase the chalkboard” and set a new stage for proper strength training.   Together we will fix what is broken as opposed to strengthening your existing strengths.  You don’t want to always chase your workout.  Instead you want your body to move properly and in turn a well rounded workout will occur as a byproduct.

As your Personal Trainer I will emphasize the movements I am teaching, rather than a “program.”

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